ディズニー・チャンネル スター
「でも、この子はこの動画が論議を醸した後に、何千もの新規登録者を得ている。これって問題じゃない? こんなことをするモンスターたちに金とサポートと知名度を与えるなんて。このような無謀な行動や人々を驚かすためなら一線を超えてもいいんだって認め、なおかつこのような行為を魅力的に思わせるだなんて」と憤りを露わにし、「ストレートな白人の野郎たちに対しては、すぐに正当化したり弁護したりかばったりする傾向にある」と社会を批判。様々な肌色の手の絵文字を交えながら「あの、沈黙、声が、私たちには必要、今すぐ」とアピールした。
This l*gan p*ul shit is so angering and I wish it was more surprising. We’re all dumb sometimes. Short-sighted, young, figuring it out, and anyone with lots of people watching is under extra pressure. The mistakes I’ve made push me to live with such intention to honor the grace I’ve been given and move forward, never going back there. But can we please stop glorifying remorselessly irresponsible people? I understand talking about it; it’s an important conversation, I think. It’s uncomfortable at best and deeply triggering at worst, and not just for those of us who’ve been convinced by volatile depression and dissociation to engage in selfish, hopeless behavior. But this kid’s gotten tens of thousands of NEW subscribers SINCE this controversy. That’s problematic. Rewarding these monsters with money, support, and making them famous. Glamorizing social recklessness and being surprised when their addiction to shock factor crosses lines. We’re so quick to justify and defend and shield ignorant straight white dudes with cameras & loud voices from consequences, while nitpicking marginalized voices into unrealistic accountability. That ??silences ??the voices?? we need ?? right now. Sharing opinions, spreading information and desperate education is so so important in 2018, for the youth and for the government. For the future and to honor the strides we’ve made. And when you have a big platform, IGNORANCE IS ACTUAL MALICE. Idk why I put this on a picture of me I didn’t have anything else I wanted to say except this rant so /rant
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