「サニー with チャンス」ティファニー・ソーントン、流産したことを明かす「胸が張り裂けそうです」

米ディズニー・チャンネルで2009年から2011年まで放送されていた人気青春ドラマ「サニー with チャンス」でトーニ役を演じていたティファニー・ソーントン(31)が、12月23日の朝に流産したことを明かした。

ティファニー・ソーントンはクリスマス前の23日、雲がかかった山頂の写真に、「忍耐により希望が生まれる。この希望は失望にはならない。なぜなら神が我々に愛を注いでくれているからだ」という内容の「聖書:ローマ人への手紙第5章 4~5」の言葉が書かれた画像をインスタグラムに投稿。キャプション欄で「早朝、妊娠5週目の我が子を流産してしまいました。自分は大丈夫だって思い込んでいたタイプだったのですが、我が身に起きてしまいました」と告白した。


Transparency = Testimony. When King Agrippa asked Paul what he had to say for himself to convince the King to spare his life, he responded with all he had: his testimony. He had no riches to offer, no land, no persuasion even. Simply his testimony. In this same way I feel led to share MY testimony with those who will listen so I can give others hope through tough times in their lives. Some people would say I shouldn't share so many intimate details about my life but if I don't use the platform God has given me to tell about His unfailing love and grace in my life then what is the whole point of the platform in the first place? So today I am going to be incredibly transparent as I ask for prayers. In the early hours of this morning I miscarried a 5 week pregnancy. I was always the person that thought this wouldn't happen to me. Until it did. I'm still in a bit of shock about it but there is one thing I know: God has His hand of protection over me and my husband and children AT ALL TIMES. And I know it was a form of His protection to only allow my body to carry this tiny blessing for 5 weeks. I am grateful that I wasn't further along in the pregnancy. I am grateful that I didn't end up having a child who would suffer once born. I can't imagine a child in pain and no way for me to help them. I am grateful that my body does what it is supposed to do even in the most difficult situation. And my heart breaks for any mom who has gone through a miscarriage. I have always wanted to be a mom, no matter what challenges that would bring. And I know, just like this picture, that there is always something beautiful and bright after a dark spot in life. So I will persevere and continue on in hope that the Lord will eventually fulfill our desire for another baby. I'll go ahead and thank you all now for the prayers as I know they will be coming in like a flood. As you read this I don't want you to feel sorry for me but rather feel emboldened to share your mistakes, hurts and truths to others so that they can see God through u. My fans + followers: you are more than that to me. You are family. The body of Christ and my equals. And I love each of you. Thank you for loving me too.

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ヒラリー・ダフにセレーナ・ゴメス、ベラ・ソーン… DCスターたちの輝かしいキャリアを一挙ふり返り! 現在の活動は…?[動画]




セレーナ・ゴメスとデミ・ロヴァートは子役時代から大の仲よし! 「2人は何をするにも一緒だった」
